Entries by Wyatt

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Can I Squeeze In?

I have a couple new screenshots to show you tonight. If anyone bothered to do the math with some of the pictures below, you would have discovered that there wasn’t enough room to hold ten high scores in the square resolution high score screen. So, rather than cheating those users, our talented artist, Jim, adjusted […]

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Polishing the Brass

Let me first apologize for the lack of screenshots this time around. None of my recent work shows in a static image, so there wasn’t much point. However, that is not to say that things were not done! Much of the polish and shining has been accomplished in the last couple of days. WordPop will […]

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Feeling a Little Square

So, I’ve finished one little thing and one kinda big thing since we last talked. The little thing is that WordPop will remember the last name you used for a high score and present it again the next time you make the big board. Just a nice touch, nothing too difficult. And, actually, the big […]

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What a Drag

Hey there, back again with a quick update. I’ve just finished another new mini-feature for WordPop. Previously, when placing bonus tiles, the only method was to click the bonus tile and then click a location on the board for it to be dropped. Now, for an ever-so-slightly more interactive method, you may click and drag […]

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Got a Hot Tip?

WordPop marches on. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been cleaning up some bugs in the Best Words and High Scores dialogs that had lingered on. I’ve also added another new feature of WordPop: tips!  Tips are something we started in Farkle and have been a popular way for players to learn the game […]