wordpop_game_diet.jpgWe are thrilled to announce Diet WordPop! Same great game but with fewer calories. Diet WordPop! provides a risk free experience of the game and if you fall in love with it and want the full version, we’ve included a convenient buy button right in the game. If you don’t want to upgrade, but love the free version, we hope you tell your friends, family, and co-workers about WordPop!

Get the free version here.


  • Unlimited play, the fun never ends
  • Unique blend of strategy puzzle and word-creation
  • Word List with 80,000+ entries
  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Help section with rules and scoring
  • Shake to rotate game board to mix the letters
  • Fewer calories but fully entertaining.

We love receiving suggestions and comments. Email us at support@smartboxdesign.com.

This month we created our plan for updating WordPop for the iPhone features for the next few months. We started with a minor release on Friday. Although the changes were minor they are very important to our long term commitment to making the best word game.

  1. Added “Suggest a Word” – We’ve been wanting this ability from a while now. Even though we have an 80,000 plus word list there is room for growth, especially in industry specific words, such a medical or accounting. The Suggest a Word selecting in the main menu, provides a quick and convenient method for sending us words to consider.
  2. Added user suggested words – We are dedicated to improving the word list on a regular basis. Announcing this in this recent build was our way to let everyone know, that we appreciate your suggestions and hope they keep coming.
  3. Updated “How to Play” – For new players and for those who want to learn more about the game we added more detail to the help file and graphics. The graphics are especially helpful as they explain visually the directions.

Select Updates in iTunes to get your FREE upgrade.