

My good friend David, who develops TraxItAll sent me the below news. I am a big fan of this program. If you are looking to organize your life, especially for daily tasks and reminders, you need to try this application.

We’ve just released our free desktop module, and to celebratewe’ve taken $5 off the price of TraxItAll through the end of June. 

If TraxItAll has helped youwith your goals, why notpass this along to your friends? 

Sample Reports:

Quick Slide Show    FREE 30-DAY-TRIAL

TraxItAll is an easy-to-use Palm OS software program that does something no other program on any platform can do automatically:It tracks anything on a daily basis. Weight, sales calls, work outs, blood sugar, etc. Whatever you want to track, you can track with TraxItAll. 

It’s a great goal setting tool. Just set your goals and enter your data; TraxItAll shows you your progress. 

TraxItAll is also great for tracking vital statistics for you and your family members; even keep track of how much time your children spend practicing the piano or playing video games.  

Now, with our new desktop module, you can print out and even email your reports to doctors, managers, family members, friends, teachers, coaches—anyone you want to! A sample report is attached. 

FREE 30-DAY TRIAL: For your free 30-day trial of TraxItAll go to our website and download the trial version, or just click here to go directly to the Free Trial page: Free Trial. 





“I’ve been using this program since the fall of 2004 to keep track of sales, workouts, miles run, and my weight to name a few. What a great tool to use to focus on important numbers in your life. I’m in it a few times every day.” 

     — Larry on PalmGear.com 

“…I tested four different programs….I found the others to be too hard to operate on a day to day basis. Traxitall is fast and simple to set up, and it only takes minutes a day to maintain.” 

     — Barry in England on TraxItAll.com 

“I downloaded several programs of a medical nature and found them to be too elaborate for my purpose. Yours fit exactly what needed to track.” 

     — Dave in California on TraxItAll.com 

“An excellent, versatile, MUST have tool for anyone tracking anything. Well worth the money… and more. Thank you!!!” 

     — Dave in Michigan on TraxItAll.com 

“…Great program – it’s simple enough to allow easy use but powerful enough with the reports to keep me motivated!!!” 

     — Jim on PalmGear.com 

“… I’m using it to track my billable hours goal, and besides the raw numbers, I can see the percentage above or below my goal that I am for the day, week, month, quarter, year. This is a wonderful motivator….”  

     — Bradley on PalmGear.com 

NOTE: At this time TraxItAll is only available for purchase at www.TraxItAll.com  


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