Palm Addict Supplies Great Palm Info
I love my Palm device. I am excited about the Treo 680 coming out this week at Cingular and I plan to be one of the first to buy. But how did I learn that Cingular will be selling it this week? Palm Addicts. Where do I get the latest news? Palm Addicts. Where can read rumors of things that might be? Palm Addict.
Purchasing a Treo is not cheap which is why I want to take full advantage of it. Palm Addicts is reviewing and discussing software, hardware accessories, and tricks on a daily basis. For me, my day is not complete without reading their articles.
I subscribe to their RSS feed using news reader. That way I can glance at the latest postings, which change constantly. I encourage you to visit them. It is worth your time and will help you take full advantage of your Treo.
I certainly agree that Palm Addict is a great site that covers a lot of news related to the Palm. Of course, there’s a slight bias and conflict of interest here since I’m an Associate Writer there. But, wait, there’s another great site that covers more of the “how to” aspect of the Palm device (but more for newbies though) called, Palm Discovery ( ). Ahem. Again, another conflict of interest since Palm Discovery is my site. But it’s still good nonetheless (but obviously my view is biased). 😉
BTW, I’ve added this blog to my Blogroll. Hope to read more good Palm stuff, coming from a developer’s side of things. Cool. 🙂
Thanks for the comment. As soon as I saw your site I knew who you were. You emailed me in the past about my games and I remember when you became an associate writer for Palm Addicts. I’ve already started to read your blog especially about tracking gas prices.
Thanks for the compliment and glad that you’re reading my blog (I always get a kick when others are reading my blog, especially if I’m a fan of their blog). I’ve been a subscriber for a while but more of a lurker. It’s always interesting read any blog that discusses about the Palm or gadgets or related. Can you believe that I subscribe to over 1700+ blogs (okay, not all of them are Palm or gadget related but more like 80%) 😉