Contest: Win a Palm or Pocket PC Game with this Word Puzzle
To the left is a screen shot of WordPop, our best selling word game. Two ways to win. (1) Try to find the longest word you can, and then submit it to our forum. Just like the rules when you play WordPop on your device, each letter in the word must be adjacent to the next, for example, RIPE. (2) Find at least 10 words and be one of the randomly selected winners.
- The player who submits the longest word wins a copy of a Smart Box Design Game
- (if a tie then the first one to submit wins)
- Two random winners will be picked from additional submitted words
- Contest ends August 31, 2007
- Winners will be announced in the next newsletter and / or e-mail
- (make sure to register at the forum so we have your e-mail on record)
We’re looking forward to seeing your words